vinyl - a basic primer
Colored Vinyl
Lalii uses two different kinds of vinyl for the perfect decal.
The above - the Merbeak Classique - is built from colored vinyl, (Oracle 651). Each color is cut from a different sheet of vinyl. Sunproof, waterproof, luminous. Outdoor, indoor, anywhere all the way. This vinyl will retain its color outdoors for at least 5 years.
The lustre shows off well on multiple backgrounds. Because these pieces are segmented (this one has 18 parts), it is called a transfer sticker, and is applied in two careful steps. The decal comes sandwiched on a backing with a clear cover overlay. Once the backing is removed, the decal is positioned on the desired surface. The cover layer is then carefully removed. Don't worry, detailed instructions included in packet.
Kite Ray is segmented colored vinyl with two overlays for the "eye" of the head.
Manta ray is a two color overlay as well.
White Vinyl
These images are all examples of designs printed on a sheet of white vinyl. This vinyl is lighter weight and designed to be printed on. You can see the Merbeak classique in this style as well as the colored vinyl above. Although the design is complex, it is a photo graphic print, therefore the look is somewhat different. Most multi colored decals that you see on cars, or for advertising products are white vinyl. It is waterproof, and sun loving only to a point. It will last a few years depending on the directness of the sun. White vinyl decals can either have one backing that peels off, or two. It can depend on the complexity of the shape and image. They can also be segmented. The advantages of white vinyl are the the ability to have exact multiples, and a photographic process using effects (if so desired).
Many decals can be either, with the look being to taste!